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Calm waters

The cold winter winds have finally settled and we are moving towards calmer waters. Nature has already shown us a few surprises this spring, with warm sunny days, hard rain, hail and sleet. With May just around the corner, it’s quite easy to start thinking positive: Summer is finally almost here.


Vaadin Charts 3.0 

Vaadin Charts 3.0 is now available. It brings you new chart types, such as OHLC and candlestick, for displaying financial data, a way to display event markers on a graph, a new improved timeline mode, and a lot of fixes and smaller improvements. It is also our first commercial add-on that, in addition to Vaadin Framework, is also available for client-side developers. No matter whether you are using Polymer, Angular, React, or other HTML5 library, we got you covered.

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Widgetsets go to the cloud 

A Vaadin widgetset is the javascript that collects all the "client side" components used by your application. Traditionally updating it has required a GWT compilation, which takes about a minute on your workstation. With Vaadin Framework 7.7, currently available as an alpha release, you can optionally delegate this task to a cloud service, where it can be optimized down to milliseconds. The service can also host it from CDN to improve the startup time and trim down the size of your war file.

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Vaadin Plug-in for Eclipse talks Maven

The most prominent feature in the new Vaadin Plug-in for Eclipse 3.0 is that now it works smoothly with Maven built projects. All new projects built with the plug-in contain a Maven build script. The plug-in also includes a notification center that lets you get your Vaadin news right inside your IDE. The stable version is to be published soon, but we urge you to try out the pre-release today! 
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Vaadin Dev Day in Berlin and New York

Vaadin Dev Day is hosted in Berlin, Germany on May 24th and in New York, US on May 26th. At Vaadin Dev Day each lesson will teach you something you can bring home with you. From evolving your architecture with Vaadin to minimizing your widgetset and from background threads to responsive layouts.
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No more widgetsets!

In addition to having the option of moving widgetsets to cloud, Vaadin Framework 7.7 also improves how the "traditional widgetsets" are handled. With the new improvements, a fresh project doesn’t contain a custom widgetset (and build really fast), but adding an add-on is still super easy. The build script automatically generates the GWT module and nothing is needed to Java code or web.xml
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Vaadin Summer School

The prices for Online Vaadin Trainings have been lowered for the duration of June 1st to July 31st. An online training works just in the same way as a classroom training, with the instructor helping you personally and hands-on but from the comfort of your own home or office. Summer is the time for learning so come join us and increase your Vaadin expertise.
Join Vaadin Summer School »

New JSP and JSF integration libraries out

A complete rewrite of an application is seldom the right solution for large applications. If you have a large JSP or JSF based application, it is now really easy to start gradually moving towards a more modern Vaadin based UI. The new integration libraries make it dead simple to embed views implemented using Vaadin into existing JSP and JSF applications. There is also a webinar coming up to help you to embed Vaadin apps.
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Hosting Vaadin apps in Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is one of the strongest players in cloud computing, but many Vaadin and Java devs still haven’t evaluated it. Azure has really strong support for Java technologies and Vaadin based apps can easily be hosted on Azure. If you’d like to get a little glimpse into what Azure and Vaadin have to offer, join this webinar. Join the webinar on May 26th to learn how to deploy your Vaadin apps in Azure.
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More Vaadin Elements tutorial videos online

We have added several more videos to our Elementary School tutorial series, covering the use of Vaadin Elements. The quick 1-2 minute videos show you how to install and use Grid, ComboBox
Take a look at the tutorials »


Vaadin Trainings 
May 09 - 13 Austin, US
May 16 - 20 Helsinki, Finland
May 23 - 27 Berlin, Germany  
May 23 - 27 Barcelona, Spain  

May 30 - Jun 3 Online EU
Jun 6 - 10 San Jose, US 
Jun 6 - 10 Hamburg, Germany
Jun 9 - Jun 10 Online EU

See all trainings »


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